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Since its establishment in 1991, the Museum of the Americas has represented the "Biblioteca de Artistas de las Comunidates Europeas (BACE) (European Communities Artists Library) established in Barcelona, Spain in 1986, dedicated to the publication of artists' books (in both, individual or group formats) and their distribution in some of the most important international art fairs in America, Asia and Europe. Additionally, these publications are also distributed by email and social networks via their digital versions.


Previously, these books were printed in either Spain or the U.S.A.

With advances in high speed communications over the Internet, all relevant publications were converted into digital format. These changes exponentially increase distribution and reduce costs.


Thanks to these technological advances, limited printed editions became limitless digital publications.  A book with a print run of 500 or 1,000 books now has no limit in its digital format.

As an example, our 2019 publication of The Best Fine Artists Golden Book is now continuously “updated” on a monthly basis having presently surpassed 9,000 contacts.


Below are some of our print format books covers and Internet addresses corresponding to the latest digital publications.


We give our thanks to BACE Co-founder, Director and Editor, Carlos Miguel Giudicessi, who passed away from Covid-19 in 2021.


Mr.Giudicessi who excelled in fine art and graphic design, has dedicated 35 years of his life to the editorial of dozens of publications for hundreds of artists from more than 70 countries.

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European Communities Artist Library - Barcelona Spain, 1986

©2019 by Museum of the Americas.

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